Nodus Factory

Boat accessories

A company founded on a dual vision which combines high-tech innovation and social responsibility.

 Nodus Factory develops, designs and sells innovative textile fittings.

With its innovation into fast link systems, Nodus Factory is making a revolution with patented and Veritas certified hardware textile.

 The hardware market is undergoing an evolution that leads to replace metal elements with textile ones. Nodus Factory surfs on this evolution by declining it on the fastening and hanging systems in the textile fittings. Thanks to its knowledge of modern textile fibers acquired through its development activity, Nodus Factory has developed a wide range of products intended to facilitate fittings. 

Our business,

 Designing and producing textile fasteners and connectors that are light, strong and durable.

 Nodus Factory’s mission is to create innovative solutions for textile fasteners and connectors made of polymers to help people progress in their work or leisure activities.

All our products have a common point, to provide fastening devices in textiles and technical polymers answering needs expressed by their users to allow the realization of finished products which could not be conceived with other materials. 


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