
Equipement and installations

For over 50 years, NOUANSPORT has designed and made its products in its own workshops putting the emphasis on performance, quality and sustainability (Loire Valley – France). NOUANSPORT is an authentic manufacturer and expert, with experience covering thousands of sports Installations.

Our equipment and installations, combining athletic performance, environmental and economic efficiency, are complying with european standards and regulations – sports code, FIFAS gymnasium guidelines, NF15312, NFS 52400, Sports Federation specifications and regulations…

Advice and support : unique skills and expertise for over 50 years

Innovation : Nouansport products are designed to be efficient, durable, easy to dismantle and reuse

A manufacturer’s commitments : the equipment and installations comply with european standards and regulations – sports code, fifas gymnasium guidelines, nf15312, nfs 52400, sports federation specifications and regulations, etc.



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